because why? 36
I've read the works of sly twisted Nathanael West
Wondering which of his fucked-up fantasies
I liked best
Immersed myself in the luscious music of Erich
Wolfgang Korngold
Amazed that as a boy of ten he could be so adult
and bold
Dragged myself off to see the Baader-Meinhof Complex
Knowing German cinema always enhances sex
Embraced the adorable silliness of Wheeler & Woolsey
on TCM
Realizing there has never been another pair
Nelly as them
Rolled around in the butchness of the femme
known as Madam Spivy
Lusted after watching Ann Landers portrayed
by Judith Ivey
Congratulated myself getting off one after another
of my snide retorts
Ignoring the whole Wonderful Wide World of Sports
Shaved my suddenly white beard just so
not neglecting the adorable tuft below
the lower lip
Pausing to wipe the always regular flow of sperm
from my penis' equally adorable tip
Calculating how much lube it will take to replace
my dependency on Crisco
Feverishly anticipating that long delayed sex event
at San Francisco
And to liberate myself from the elitist intellectual world
in which I've been self-enslaved
I now find myself deliciously planning something
dark and depraved
I've smeared some Garnier Ultra-Lift on my skin
of alabaster
Got a bone hard as a rock for that MSNBC host
who used to be a sportscaster
Casting about feverishly to Australia Brazil and Chile
for the moral support of my cyberfriends
Watching any film with adorable Emile Hirsch
whose boy chest gives me the bends
Knowing casually my man extension still can manifest
a monumental plinth
Jerking off to hairy Sergi Lopez the villain
in Pan's Labyrinth
Knowing what combination of flesh and fur
it takes to make me super hard
Remembering my first enormous boy erection
watching Bill Holden in Sunset Boulevard
Gene Kelly was athletic and Astaire was quite complex
But for boy dancers give me hot Gene Nelson
who combined it all with fur and sex
As a viable sexual combatant I tend to be
some kind of disgrace
But there's nothing more that I would love
than to have some hairy stud sit on my face
So as I go trolling off to the Pleasure Palace
intent and semi engorged
I enjoy the sixtysomething entity I seem
to have irreverently forged
As I unzip my Levi's 501s for you boy
as you slither in the door
Contemplate the man extension I have for you boy
before your knees hit the floor
I have no trouble contemplating three generations
of male hearts which I've enslaved
And now I go hustling out my cottage door
To perform something nice and something depraved.
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