IMPLACABLE by Dennis Doph
Touchdown Jesus. 36
I had an implacable dream last night
Of a most implacable sort
I was up against an implacable judge
In an implacable sort of court
and when the Judge came to sentence me
In his most implacable way
He groped me and sent me spinning madly
Right into the implacable hay
For we all must be implacable
As we make our way through life
Seducing each implacable husband
Putting the horns on each implacable wife
Buttering our implacable two minute toast
Reaching for another implacable kipper
Getting our cock caught once again
In this fucking implacable zipper
And we row, and row, like Montgomery Clift
Across this implacable lake
Listening to the Song of the Implacable Loon
As Monty goes on the implacable make
And we know, while we make like the Badass Gal
Though even Shelley knew the role would stink
That Monty will button up his implacable chest
And dump our ass into the implacable drink.
So we shudder as we follow the headlines
And press garlic into our butter
That Hillary will kick ass once again
As she travels from Dubai to Qatar.
And I'm not fantasizing in my implacable way
As I take one more implacable toke
That John McCain will finally shuffle it off
When he has that implacable wonderful stroke.
So row, row, me Hearties,
And never turn into a sot
Even when the pain of life is intense
And you feel you've turned into an implacable twat.
For the Bar is becoming more Sinister
As you seem more and more like a slut
And Bob Mitchum becomes your implacable minister
And kicks your implacable butt.
Labels: Bob Mitchum, Hillary, Montgomery Clift
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