Here I am
Poised on the edge of the diving board
Slick sludge-filled water of life beneath me
Panicky men and women with brains
Something resembling brains
their way to the shallow deep end
of the pool
Olympia Snowe pretending
she has been elected President
Protecting her usused Greek twat
From the twat-obsessed
Pretending Maine has ever produced
anything more of substance
than a couple of cookbooks
Joe Lieberman pretending
he has been elected President
When many of us out there
in the Real World
the Gore-Lieberman ticket
because Joe Lieberman
was such an asshole
The Ghost of Michael Jackson
He was a world class artist
When he was really
just another baby-prick obsessed
child molester
The whole Karzai family
there in Afghanistan
Whatever Afghanistan is
A construct of British occupying forces
back in the Days of Glory
at the Khyber Pass Taking
CIA money by the handsful
So they can pretend
Is really a place and the Afghan People
are really a people
Feverishly resisting his cocoon of estrogen
His wife his two daughters his feisty
Running out
To play sports sports sports
Who knew
We could have one President so brain dead
never hip to anything but sports
Another President so smart
smothered in estrogen Never hip
to anything except sports
Too bad the healthcare debate
isn't about baskets scored
Lavishing the combined technology
of top of the line motion pictures
On his dick-obsessed cartoons
Bringing the Jew Bear
out of his cave with his baseball bat
Sports again
but with human heads
Sarah Palin
Newt Gingrich
Debating the essence of conservatism
Deciding the fate
of an obscure congressional district
in the wilds of Upper New York
by the intensity of their hubris
That is Sarah unzipping
her Bristol Bay wetsuit
That is Newt unzipping
his perfectly pressed flannels
for the forgotten stump of manhood
behind his zipper
This is 2009 not 1994
Glory years of Conservatism
in the crapper
The Heenie Family
Their pathetic aluminum balloon
into the paltry heavens of Colorado
Hiding the Falcon Brat in the attic
Andy Warhol was right
Fifteen minutes of fame was too good
for this fame-obsessed bunch
of trailer trash
All over America
45,000 people dying for lack
of healthcare While Olympia Snowe
and Joe Lieberman hold
a pissing contest
on the lawn of the Casa Blanca
Olympia has the biggest dick
Inside cringing waiting
for Michelle to whip out hers
The Shallow Deep End of the Pool.
Too many sharks spoil the broth
Pass the oyster crackers
Labels: pass the oyster crackers